刚刚看了《锵锵!三人行》谈海啸觉得他们谈到了三大重点, 这里做个简介:
1。 这一次的海啸破灭了“人定胜天”的狂想。
2。 海啸时间破灭了“自私往上爬/自我”的心理。
叙述了一个故事:一对夫妇,海啸冲进来的时候还睡在床上。丈夫把妻子推到屋顶,自己没机会爬上就被海水冲走。妻子觉得没了丈夫,活着也没意思,所以决定跳 下去和她丈夫一起死。侥幸的,妻子捉到双人床褥,丈夫捉到双人床褥的木板。它们不停的对对方互相喊鼓励。妻子还拉了三个人一起上床褥,丈夫也救了一个生患 者。在那事件时,所有人的财产也被淹没了,只剩一毛几块的。他们也毫无顾忌的,我借你一毛打电话给你的家人,你给我几口水喝,同舟共济,不分你我。在这时 刻,人放下了自我,*神的光芒才显现出来。
3。 圣经叙述的世界末日真的有可能吗?
在这个事件,虽然只局限于南亚地区,但也显示了全球性的灾难降临的可能性。试想想,才一个印度海洋的地震就有这么大的灾害,为什么不会有可能全球性的灾难 呢?在那个时候,谁又能抵得过呢?在那个时候,也只能把自己抛在真神的面前,抛弃所有自尊,跪地求饶,而这也是最好的假设。要是没这个机会,或者早已入土 了,又或者神降临的太快,你根本没机会,你觉得这时凭你各人功德,真的能够站立在神圣、真神面前吗?
English version:
Just watched SCV's Channel 50, Pheonix TV's "3-way Conversation" which revolves around the recent tsunami incident. They discussed 3 main points which are summarized below:
1. The tsunami incident broke the mindset of human technology overcoming nature.
It is not apparant when this mindset starts but people had always have this ambition to conquer/control nature. This natural disaster is a rude awakening that nature is not our toy, to be manipulated according to our whims and fancies. What our focus should be on is living in harmony with nature, to work in accordance with its rhythm, to use it respectfully for our daily living.
2. The tsunami helped us to overcome our innate selfishness.
This is a true story: A couple was still sleeping on their bed when the tsunami swept into their room. The husband pushed his wife to the rooftop but he himself was swept away by the waves before he had a chance to climb up. The wife, feeling that life is meaningless if her husband is dead decided to jump back down to join her husband in death. Blessedly, the wife got onto a double-bed mattress while her husband caught onto a driftwood belonging to the same double bed. They continually shouted encouragement to each other throughout the whole ordeal. The wife was still able to pull 3 more people to safety on the mattress while the husband managed to save one more life. In that same disaster, every material possession was swept away or destroyed, only leaving a dollar here, some spare change there in total. Yet without a second thought, somebody would lend you ten cents to call home, while another party would give some water, everyone sharing freely whatever they had. At this moment, it was only when men threw away their selfish pride was God's glory revealed.
3. Judgement Day, as stated in the bible became a real possibility.
Even though this disaster was only restricted to the south asian region, but it fearfully showed the possibility of a worldwide calamity. Think about it, just an earthquake in the Indian Ocean had caused such great devastation, isn't a worldwide destruction a real possibility? When that moment arises, who can stand against it? We can only throw aside our stupid pride and entrust ourselves into the hands of the true and living God to beg for mercy - and this is only the best assumption. If we are not given this mercy by God, or if we are already dead, or even if God descends too fast - you just simply did not have a chance to beg Him for mercy, do you really think, based on your own good works, your personal morality, you really are able to stand in front of the true, holy God?
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