Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Analogy of True Contentment

After a spirited 'exposition' of what it means to be contented in singleness, below is a summary of our continued conversation via sms:

HS: I want to stumble you with envy. I'm having Cedele's.
Me: I'm having a slightly inferior (but good enough for me!) Subway meal.
I think I know the meaning of true contentment now.

Contentment is... feeling/thinking that Cedele's is superior to Subway but fully satisfied with what I'm having (even though in God's eyes, Cedele's and Subway are both equally good!)


island said...

simple, yet good illustration of contentment :)

contentment is not to compare with others what you have and what they have... but how difficult it is for us sinners...

Ms Carpe Diem said...

Heylo Island, long time no tok. Update me on how things are with u!!!