Sunday, September 11, 2005

Love, Love, Love!

[Update: Thanks to God and to all for your prayers. Despite not getting enough rest, not drinking enough water and no time for cough syrup and honeyed water, somehow my voice got better and better through the day and I was able to emcee throughout the day. Praise God!]

It was no fun being one of the sisters' in my friends' wedding yesterday.

The groom was so obliging, coming on the dot to the bride's house by the programme sheet (when other grooms are known to dawdle so that there's less time to sabo them), doing everything (and getting his brothers in as well) we asked him to do, and then when the time drew near to move on to the next item on the programme, with anxiety, that he might miss the chance to marry his bride, clearly in his voice, "Hurry up leh, I've done all you want me to, let's not be late!" He really took the fun out by deprieving us of a chance to nit-pick "Aiyah, didn't finish the chilli, must toast and empty cup in one gulp" (cause he did it before we ask). *Sighz*

Throughout the entire proceedings, it was clear that wedding the bride is clearly what the groom really, really really desires in his life - the shaking in his voice when he pronounced the wedding vows in church, the commitment and love shining in his eyes as he sang 《月亮代表我的心》(looking at his eyes, fixed on his bride, I can sense the unspoken promises then, "I will take care of you and give of myself to you my entire life"), the holding of the bride tightly to his side when she was crying, doing his best to comfort her (as if offering her himself to make up for everything she had endured) so that if it's within his power, he will remove the pain in her heart.

I caught a glimpse of the love of Christ for His church described in Eph 5:22-33 and truly understood why the ideal love between husband and wife is meant as a representation of Christ and His church in their love and marriage. That realization made me so thankful that I'm loved at least so much by my Lord, my God, in making me His (and everything really being within His power to heal and fulfill all promises).

Seeing that love shining in his eyes, I just felt so, so privileged in being part of their love story. Although it is tiring and oftentimes, I am riled and annoyed with some people, in that moment, seeing their love, I felt so privileged that I was a part in making the fulfillment of their true love come to reality, because for the day, I am a part of that true love. I got a start though when I realized that that should precisely be the fulfillment from serving God in being part of His plan. Not because He needs me to, but it is a privilege to be a part of His love for us, bringing forward His plan to redeem His crying people into ultimate fulfillment and joy. In serving Him faithfully, one day, we will see the ultimate love in His eyes and rejoice that we had become a part of that all-encompassing love.

Seeing my discipleship group making it on time for rehearsals, giving of their gifts and talent for the progress of the wedding out of love for the couple was so edifying. It was gratifying to see some individuals quietly making arrangements, behind the scenes, to ensure that the wedding is in order - not for glory or the praise of men, but out of love for the couple, giving their time and effort, giving up precious time they could be spending with their loved ones, their family, their own selves. These actions are consistent with what was expounded by the officiating pastor in 1 John 4:7-21 during the wedding service. That love is not thinking of serving her tea but actually going to serve her tea.

These seemingly minor episodes also really brings to life for me the points C.S Lewis makes in his book "The Four Loves" when he expounds a little on Luke 14:26 "If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters—yes, even his own life—he cannot be my disciple."

For the preparations of the wedding, in sacrificing their personal rest, time with loved ones for preparations for the wedding, does it mean that they feel their personal rest, time with loved ones is not important? In this case, in loving the couple and hating their rest and time with loved ones, it simply means they choose to let preparations for the wedding take precedence over their personal desires and priorities. Similarly, in loving Christ and hating our father and mother, our wives and children, our brothers and sister, it does not mean that Christ feels that we love our loved ones too much, but rather to let His will take precedence over the wills of our loved ones and love Him more.

Dear Lord, thank you for giving me another glimpse of how much you have loved me and a little bit more of what it means to love you. You are truly worthy of worship with my entire life.

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