Thursday, March 30, 2006

Answering Da Vinci Code

Went for the Adult's Meeting at ARPC where our moderator explains the reasons for the series of services that will be answering the claims made in the fictional work of "The Da Vinci Code". The below is the summary my understanding:

The phenomenon of "The Da Vinci Code" had led to millions of readers accessing it - and this is before the movie is out. In his book, claims of a different (or better) bible, a different (or better) church and a different (or better) Christ were made. Hurray, there is no more problem of sin! *sic*

In the author's website, there is a 'bible study' and questions asked in this 'bible study' (aside: I wasn't able to find the 'bible study' in his website, let me know if you see the link) seek to change the faith of the reader.

If "The Da Vinci Code" is a person's first experience with Christianity, they will be bound to leave with a deep-seated distrust of Christianity. Many people whose first encounter with the Japanese was during the Japanese Occupation during World War II still carried with them the deep-seated hatred of them and continued in their perception of their race as brutal, cruel and barbaric.

These services will equip Christians to be certain of what they believe in and with the knowledge required to be able to engage others, who are going to see the movie, in intelligent conversation.

These are the details of the services on "The Real Bible Code":

  • A Different Bible (2nd April, 9a.m or 11a.m)
  • A Different Church (9th April, 9a.m or 11a.m)
  • A Different Christ (16th April, 9a.m or 11a.m)

Our services are at Kuo Chuan Presbyterian Secondary School (note that we meet at the secondary school) at 10 Bishan Street 13. It's a 5-10 min walk from Bishan MRT. Buses that stop outside Kuo Chuan itself are 56, 410G. If you would like to clarify anything, you can call our church office at 6466 0119 or visit our website at

In addition, our discipleship groups (DG, commonly known as cell groups in other churches) will be furthering the discussions heard during the services:

Week of 2nd April (2/4/2006-8/4/2006): On the Bible
Week of 16th April (16/4/2006-22/4/2006): On Christ

If you'd like to visit my DG (it meets on Wednesdays@8p.m, in the Redhill MRT area) to discuss these issues in greater depth, you can e-mail me or alternatively call our church office at 6466 0119 or visit the website at for details of other DGs.


Dave said...

Great to know ur church is preparing our people to engage culture rather than isolating people from it...

DVC movie will be out soon, and it's a great chance for dialogues abt the Bible and jesus to come up at coffeetables everywhere. Be equipped...

Josh McDowell came up with a nice booklet on this too.. Pls pray for me as I may be sharing with some church groups on tis topic too

Ms Carpe Diem said...

Yeah, I'm very glad my church is preparing us for such topics too. Thanks for all the recommendations of materials!

Although I'm personally upset at such misleading fiction, it is also true that similar to 'Passion of the Christ' last year, this movie will give us a legitimate reason to discuss the bible, the church and Christ and "to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,..." (1 Pet 3:15)