Sunday, March 26, 2006

Seven Questions

Found this exercise from Neonangel's blog a pretty cool dig into my whimsical mind:

Seven Dreams before Death:
1) Being wise
2) Beloved by people
3) Go to Israel and appreciate the landmarks seen in His Word
4) Read and understand the bible in the original languages
5) Having successful businesses
6) Being a best-selling author/recording artiste
7) Giving a great concert to a packed auditorium (preferably as part of a band)

Seven "No Ways" in this lifetime:
1) Bungee Jumping
2) Fixing machines/light-bulbs/computers etc
3) Being a missionary parmanently stationed in a third-world country
4) Stop aspiring
5) Buying luxury items only for indulgence (e.g Godiva chocolates) for myself
6) Bleaching my hair white
7) Get by without love

Seven Sparks to my heart:
(Beep! Entering private domain.)

Seven things I say:
1) Actually, Basically....
2) Could you repeat that again?
3) Sorry, I can't hear you....
4) (repeat previous words or phrases while thinking through my thought processes)
5) Ermmmmm.... (when my mind blanks out suddenly)
6) What did you say again?
7) Please forgive my ears that had experienced the wisdom of my age....

Seven books I like:
1) Gospel of John
2) Mere Christianity by C.S Lewis
3) Screwtape Letters by C.S Lewis
4) From Good to Great by Jim Collins
5) The Perfect Store: Inside Ebay by Adam Cohen
6) Let Me Be a Woman by Elisabeth Elliot
7) Pilgrim's Regress by C.S Lewis

Seven shows I like:
1) Legally blonde
2) A beautiful mind
3) Constantine
4) Buffy the Vampire Slayer
5) Phantom of the Opera
6) LOTR trilogy
7) The Matrix

Seven things on my wishlist:
1) A decent home recording studio (optimised for the working on and recording of song compositions)
2) Thesaurus of Scales and Melodic Patterns by Nicolas Slonimsky(bought)
3) Godiva chocolates
4) The CD containing a song (can't remember the title!) that Bob James plays during his Jazz Workshop here in Singapore on the 7th March (now you know why this is a wish list huh?)
5) To complete my C.S Lewis collection (Still wondering what books by C.S Lewis I have yet to own?)
6) The definitive book that will help me write bewitchingly (Is there such a book around?)
7) The definitive book that will help me give a public address/lesson while holding my audience spell-bound (What about this topic?)

YOU are now tagged. Send me your answers or link to your blog should you post it there to the Seven Questions either via e-mail, comments. Looking forward to hearing from you.


Anonymous said...

you mentioned Godiva chocolate twice. and i don't understand it... it's not even good chocolate... on a scale of 1 to 10, it probably ranks about 6. there're a lot of good chocolate out there, not cheap, but definitely worth your money than Godiva (over-priced).

~ a chocolate lover

Ms Carpe Diem said...

Haha, I can see why the list riles a chocolate lover.

I've just never tasted Godiva chocolates and so I'd like to give it a try, without actually buying it u know? ;)