Saturday, November 26, 2005

Godliness - a process, not a stagnant state

I can't believe I missed Rev J's sermon last week, I should have followed E to last Fri's service, his sermon today was so good.

His sermon today gave me the first inkling that godliness is a process in an individual's life, not a state the individual reaches in this life. The dynamic process of increasing godly behaviour described in 2 Pet 1:5-8 is actually the natural outworking of a heart constantly centred on God - true godliness. And this God-centredness is linked with hope of His 2nd coming, not fear of His judgement, because our salvation is guaranteed by faith.

It is amazing how God gives me timely reminders JIT - just in time - when I have the most need. I thank God that in my short 4 years of being in Him, I have not lost that wonder, marvel and gratitude of His work on the cross and His personal call to me. Yet the past 2 weeks have been a time of testing and uncertainty. At the point where I nearly forgot "_________ is not the boss, uh-uh", I am again reminded who my ultimate boss is and who every person will ultimately have to answer to.

Let me not get to heaven with an embarrassing burnt smell as one just simply escaping the flames, but as one who had constantly looked forward to His praise.

On the note of our state of reigning this earth under Him, here is an incomplete draft of a song resulting from homework from H for participation in a workshop in an upcoming camp. Derived from Rev 5:9-10. Pardon its rawness.

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