Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Myers Briggs Type Indicator

Just read a web-site where it describes my personality eerily accurately.

To find your own Myers Briggs Type, you can get it tested for free here:

Then come here to find out what it says about you:

If you're interested in my personality type, let me know your type first. :)


Anonymous said...

ENTP firt time taken, INTP another time taken. So middle of the road on the Extravert/Intravert. Yours?

Ms Carpe Diem said...


You can find my e-mail contact at . Email me with your type (preferably with your name especially if I know you so that I can 'know' you) and I'll be happy to let you know my MBTI.

P.S Note that I check the above e-mail at most once a week.

Anonymous said...

Then you need to download Firefox and the Gmail notifier. -Check your email ;^)