Tuesday, October 11, 2005

What's in a name?

Before I came to Christ, I've always been known by my Mandarin name - the name which harbours my parents' ideal of me (it happens to be the same repeated word e.g Tingting, lingling etc) and my circle of close friends and loved ones will often shorten it to a single word (e.g Ting ah, Ling ah etc).

It was only the year before I come to Christ that I use my English or 'Christian' name - the name my parents choose for convenience purpose (so that it'll be easier for others to remember your name). It just ocurred to me that most Christians who appeared in my life before I come to Christ be they passerbys, people who witnessed to me, classmates, people who invite me to their church etc all know me by my Christian name although I was commonly known by my mandarin name.

Is there a significance or mere coincidence?

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